Family & Business are two of the biggest devotions of time, finances and dedication in life. For many these are entirely separate entities which makes a family business a business like no other and are honoured to be counted among them! We have remained a proud family run business since our inception and employ three generations of family.

Abbott-Wade is not a faceless corporate name to hide behind. It represents two individuals actively at the core of our business which increases customer confidence. We are not accountable to share holders who may compromise our integrity, unrivalled reputation and high standards in pursuit of profits.


We are a very tightly-knit team. We trust and support one another, laugh more and work for the same goals. Obviously we’re not all related but we look out for one another as if we were and many of our team feel like extended family members and share our love of the business. We’re proud of our roots and support our community by employing local craftsmen.

Family businesses come in all shapes and sizes. In a family business like ours knowledge and experience are valuable commodities which are shared freely without bias or agenda. We share the same long-term vision and goals and our individual successes and reputation are weaved into that of the company. We all desire to protect the company. It is in everybody’s best interest to ensure that every job is done well, standards are maintained and the reputation of the company is upheld. These things can only happen when you have a team comprised of more than just ‘employees’.


Our customers want the best product and best price from a company they trust and are reassured knowing that we have genuinely held values we abide by and such a deep rooted commitment the best possible outcome – a reflection of the family values of our family business! We treat our clients with honesty and respect, just as we would like members of our own family to be treated, because it is the right thing to do! We don’t promise what we can’t deliver ensuring customers make informed decisions about our materials, designs and the installation process so there are no unexpected surprises. 

Our team members must be adaptable to assume multiple roles and responsibilities which enables them to see the broader picture in relation to what is happening within the business and customers get a more personal service. It also means we have a more ‘hands on’ approach and allows our systems, procedures and services to be more flexible to adapt to changes in customer demand and the economy as we have in previous recession periods. As we’ve grown we have become increasingly self reliant through investing in our infrastructure which in turn has allowed us to offer flexibility to our clients which cannot be matched by our largest multi-million pound competitor or smaller independent businesses.

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