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It is not so much that a staircase increases the value of a property in direct correlation to what the staircase cost, but it increases the desirability of the overall home, which in turn benefits the sale price. In this blog you will learn why and how a staircase can influence potential buyers of your home, giving you more to think about when implementing a bespoke staircase of your own.

1.   First impressions

In most homes, the staircase is the first thing that greets you upon entering the hallway, it can immediately set the precedent for the rest of the property. To create the wow factor first impression that everyone desires, you need to consider the design of the staircase, as well as the actual materials used. Even if you can’t afford to spec the hardwoods and glass panels of the more fashionable flights of stairs, with a good design you can still make an impression on viewers.

Painted spindles with oak rails

2.   A sign of quality.

When anyone visits your home including friends and perspective purchasers they don’t really touch many fixed fixtures. A quality bannister rail with a focus on the finish is one of the few things that physically communicates the craftsmanship that has been invested in the home. This can be a very powerful signal to the viewer, especially when combined with quality door furniture and kitchen surfaces. This combination of carefully selected materials can give a sense of quality throughout the building

3.   A focal point.

A bespoke staircase is the focal point of the hallway, and the fall is often when we have those final goodbye conversations, so your staircase will leave a lasting impression with any visitors you have! Whether this be with friends or family, or with a viewer, a significant amount of time is spent in the hall which provides a final memory as your guests leave. A well-designed staircase is a must if you are looking to make your space stand out to visitors.

contemporary stairway

4.   Inspire confidence in the building.

Walking up a flight of stairs in an old building that creaks and groans, combined with a wobbly handrail does nothing to inspire confidence in the structure. Going back to the touchy-feely aspect of a rickety flight of stairs can stir up all sorts of thoughts in a buyers head. They then start to think about the other aged wooden parts of the building such as floor joists and the roof structure. This can lead to buyers quickly losing interests, focusing on the negatives and potential outlay that may be necessary on your property.

5.   They can solve a problem.

A new flight of stairs may allow you to solve many other potential negatives with your house. For example, a modern glass staircase may allow more light into what was a dark area. A new staircase may allow you to remodel the floorplan, creating space for an all-important ground floor toilet, essential to many family buyers.

Cool cream carpet on a new oak staircase with feature step and stylish targeted oak spindles

It’s a well-known fact that kitchens and bathrooms are the biggest driving force behind selling a property, but a designer staircase can be the differentiating factor in achieving a sale in a competitive market.

A remodelled house combined with a quality staircase means the desirability of the property is maximised. This is what really drives the interest from multiple prospective purchasers which in turn inflates the sale price and reduces time on the market.

A well-engineered and installed staircase will last many decades, so even if you are not thinking of selling your property, the value will still be there when you do decide to move on. In the meantime, you can enjoy all the benefits and really make your home your own!

If you would like to get in touch with us to discuss making the most of your bespoke staircase, then you can contact the team at Abbott-Wade today! Simply fill out our online enquiry form or give us a call on 01744 634 442, you can also email us at info@abbottwade.co.uk/ for a response as soon as possible.Kings Estate Agents In South Shields

Michael Donnelly

Company Director

Kings Estate Agents

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