The key to keeping your wooden stairs in top condition for many years is to clean them regularly. This maintenance is key to ensuring your hard-earned money is money well spent, even years after installing your glorious wooden staircase.

Wooden interior stairs can be a beautiful centrepiece of your home’s entrance, but they’ll start to look dated and dirty if you don’t take care of them.

Not sure of the exact steps to take to keep them looking brand-new? At Abbott-Wade, we love wooden stairs, so read our guide on how to safely clean them.

What do you need to clean wooden stairs?

To clean high-quality wooden stairs, you’ll need a combination of cleaning supplies and utensils.

As well as a vacuum cleaner to hoover up dust and debris, you’ll also need:

  • A soft-bristled brush
  • A soft brush attachment for your vacuum cleaner
  • A soft cloth and dry microfibre cloth
  • A bucket of warm water
  • A mild cleaning solution
  • Wood polish or wax

To clean, you’ll also need a spray bottle and a dry-cleaning sponge.

How to safely clean wood stairs

If your beautiful wooden stairs are ready for their regular cleaning, there are a few steps you must follow to efficiently clean them – without causing damage to the wood.

Step 1: Clear stairs and remove dust

First up, you must start removing any loose dust and debris from your wooden stairs. Using a soft-bristled brush, you can gently sweep the wooden stairs. Reach into the corners and crevices of the wooden surfaces to pull dust out.

Now, follow up with your vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment so you don’t damage the wood. By vacuuming, you not only remove smaller particles of debris, but you can prevent any tiny pieces of grit from scratching your beautiful wood when you mop it.

Step 2: Clean the wood surface

Next, it’s time to get cleaning.

You can dilute a small amount of detergent in your bucket of warm water. It’s key you use a mild cleaning solution to avoid damaging the wood or ruining its finish.

Make sure the microfibre cloth is damp; if it’s too wet, it could cause the wood to warp.

Wipe down each step gently but you may need to put a little elbow grease on any stubborn stains. Ensure you rinse the cloth frequently to avoid spreading dirt.

Step 3: Dry wooden stairs

After cleaning the stairs, you must dry them to prevent any water damage. Using a clean, dry cloth, wipe down your stairs.

The wooden stairs must be completely dry before you can move on to the next step and prepare them for waxing or polishing.

Step 4: Polish and wax

Now your stairs are clean and dry, you can apply a wax or polish to create a shimmering finish.

Find a wood polish that doesn’t feature harsh chemicals and apply it to a soft cloth. Start by working in small sections and wipe the polish onto the wooden stairs in circular motions.

Allow the polish to dry and then buff it with a clean microfibre cloth to bring out the shine. As well as creating a shimmering beauty for the wood, it provides a protective finish that helps to repel dust.

Benefits of regular cleaning

By regularly cleaning your wooden stairs, you are ensuring they remain a beautiful part of your home for many years.

Regular maintenance like dusting, cleaning and polishing keeps your stairs looking tip-top for years to come. It extends the life of your stairs, making them a timeless feature in your home.

Also, by regularly cleaning and taking care of your wooden stairs, each time you go to clean and polish them, the job is easier as there’s much less dirt or dust to clean.

Pick your new wooden staircases

So, are you ready to transform the appearance of your home with a brand-new set of wooden stairs?

If you would like rustic, long-lasting staircases that shimmer after being cleaned, then we can help you.

At Abbott-Wade, we have helped thousands of people in the UK enhance their homes. We have over 30 years of experience designing, building and installing wooden staircases, so get in touch today to get the ball rolling on your own set.

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