If you’ve already seen our 3D tour of the Grand Staircase at Buckingham Palace, you may also be interested to see the staircase behind the doors of another famous British residence. Behind the iconic door of the Prime Minister’s residence at Number 10 Downing Street is a staircase which has seen many of our most famous politicians come and go. Like your own home, the stairs are the first thing you see as you want through the front door but has been rebuilt once or twice over the past 300 years. Prime Minister Robert Wagpole commissioned a refurbishment of the staircase in the 1700’s – long before Abbott-wade popularised the trend! The stairs have withstood the test of time and still feature the cantilevered design with no visible supports. The stairway is now lined with the portraits of each Prime Minister since in chronological order, with the most recent towards the top.

Take the tour with Simon Schama and see how it compares with your own staircase…


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