It’s been a busy year for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, she has celebrated a significant birthday this year and has reigned though all of our 20 years in business and beyond.
Tamsin Egerton once mused that ‘The Queen is the only person who can put on a tiara with one hand while walking down stairs.’  The stairs in question were presumably those of The Grand Staircase at Buckingham Palace, designed for King George IV with their balusters made of oak & bronze casting.
If you haven’t already taken the amazing 3D tour of the palace and Grand Staircase, you’re missing out, it’s truly magnificent. Grab your smartphone and use the link above.
You may also enjoy reading:
  Buckingham Palace’s Grand Staircase at Christmas
  Stair in disbelief: 6 Staircases transformed by mosaics
  Stair in disbelief: 6 Staircases transformed by colour
 Stair in disbelief: 6 Staircases transformed by murals
  Stair in disbelief: Famous open-air staircases of the world
  The Grand Staircase at Buckingham Palace – 3D Tour