Clabon Mews Luxury staircaseJust a few short minutes walk from Harrods in London’s affluent Knightsbridge, this newly refurbished period mews house cannot be faulted for its’ style or design. On the market at a mere £6,000,000 and boasting 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, gym, cinema room and study; our favourite feature is, of course, the Abbott-Wade Staircase with the elegant curving handrail with bespoke painted spindles, rails and treads..

A Luxury Staircase on Rightmove Mews 2

If £6,000,000 is slightly out of your budget, you may be surprised to learn that a new Abbott-Wade staircase or staircase renovation in your own home may not be. Call us or leave your details to find out how we can give your home the Wow Factor!

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    01744 634 442