We are very proud to have attended The Parliamentary Review Gala evening at the Palace of Westminster.

As Best Practice Representatives for the Parliamentary Review, we were honoured to attend their Annual Gala in the Place of Westminster at the invitation of the Right Honourable Lord Eric Pickles, former Conservative Party Chairman. 

The Gala held on 31st October was supposed to be on the eve of the UK’s departure from the EU. It was attended by an array of the political elite and representatives of the media including former Home Secretary the Right Honourable Lord David Blunkett who hosted the event and provided an insightful view of the current political landscape. Other speakers included the noted journalist and broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer who tackles the big political stories of the day as a matter of routine and provided an entertaining and informative overview of all things political and economic and how businesses such as ours shape the nation. Julia currently presents Talk Radio’s Breakfast Show and is a regular on TV shows like Question Time and Have I Got News For You. She was joined at the podium by World Cup Winner Geoff Hurst who not only scored the winning goal in 1966 but remains the only man ever to score a hat trick in a World Cup Final.
Abbott-Wade were represented by designers Roger & Stuart who joined the dignitaries as members of only a handful of companies selected as Best Practice Representatives. Standing in the Palace of Westminster Roger remarked on the honour bestowed on this humble family business. 
“To be here in this historic setting, the same place that the UK’s greatest politicians have stood over the centuries, is a remarkable achievement for a small family business. It is a testament to the company’s values that we have been chosen out of the the thousands of UK businesses to be seated to be here as Best Practice Representatives.”
As the evening came to an close as the guests mingled on the Terrace Pavilion overlooking the banks of the Thames there came a time for quiet reflection. Two thirds of UK businesses are family owned. Together we pay more that the entire NHS budget in tax. 38% of medium-sized family-run firms are in at least their second generation of family ownership, and 3% were in at least their fifth.
“This first generation family business as made some great achievements in recent years,” muses Stuart. “To be here in this place steeped in history, it inspires one to think that our business could still be thriving into the next generation and maybe beyond.”
We hope so.

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