Since the 3rd millennium BC, mosaics have played a part in decorative art; most famously in the patterns and pictures in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.

But not to be left in past, mosaics have been used to turn outdoor staircases into wonderful works of colourful art in cities around the world.

Journey around the world with us…

The 16th Avenue, San Francisco: Credit: Flickr / Momo Liew

San Francisco, USA: Credit: Flickr / Starrgalla

White Rock Beach, British Columbia: Credit: Flickr / travelinfool55

Patzer College: Credit: Flickr / gracegrowing

Helsinki Cathedral, Finland: Credit: Flickr / Eija 

Rio de Janerio, Brazil: Credit Flickr / Helenad

You may also enjoy reading:

  Stair in disbelief: 6 Staircases transformed by mosaics

  Stair in disbelief: 6 Staircases transformed by colour

  Stair in disbelief: 6 Staircases transformed by murals

  Stair in disbelief: Famous open-air staircases of the world

  The Grand Staircase at Buckingham Palace – 3D Tour

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